
You can modify any object property, regardless of depth, by adding $ in front of its name and separating levels with a dot.

<br x-3.meshBasicMaterial x-3.$color="'red'" />

No need to add a $ in front of each property level, just the first one. This allows Norska to differentiate between an attempted class instantiation and a property change.

Any properties associated with objects featuring a .set() method can be assigned values directly by passing the same arguments as one would for the set method. For instance, instead of specifying $color={new $three.Color('red')}, you can directly use $color="'red'" .

When set() requires several arguments, you can use an array like this $position="[1, 2, 3]".

Just using a directive with no props will return true by default.

Props with camel case key names can be accessed by splitting the words with - since HTML attributes are not case-sensitive

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